How to Save Money at the Salon

Going to the salon regularly can eat up a huge chunk of your budget. Fortunately there is a way for you to cut costs and still maintain look and style. Marie Claire shares the following tips on how to save money at the salon.

Book follow-up appointments with a junior stylist

Booking appointments with a senior or master stylist can get costly. To save money, schedule your follow-up appointments with a junior stylist that your usual top stylist has trained. Your haircut’s architecture will stay in place for at least 6 months. Go back to the senior stylist after that.

Dusting (bangs and fringes)

Shaping the bangs or "dusting" can do wonders for whole look. It can "revive a cut," and "open up the face", thus extending the time between appointments. According to Marie Claire, an expert cut on long hair can look fresh for up to three months, but is less forgiving on short hair.

Before you book a pricey new stylist for an appointment, go for a blow-dry first to get an inexpensive feel or his/her taste and personality.

Skip the tip

If you get you book your salon appointments with the salon owner, you do not need to tip him. But even if you book you appointments with his stylists or assistants, you need not over-tip them – $5 to $10 dollars should do be enough.

Condition at home

Save money on conditioning treatments by doing it at home. Products like Clairol Shine Happy can bring dull hair color back to life in between visits without changing the tone.

Color at home

Hair colors are easily purchasable at department stores. And they always come with instructions so doing coloring at home should not be a problem. If you do not want to use store-bought products, some stylists give their clients customized coloring products with detailed instructions for root touch-ups.

Get highlights

Highlights are cheaper and easier to maintain than single-process color, particularly those closest to your natural hair color.

Source: Marie Claire

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