Fashion is an ever changing landscape and being constantly updated on the latest trends can drive you up the wall or into the poor house. Style is a personal choice and being fashionable is entirely up to your own standards. But if you find that your wardrobe is next to overflowing with neon clothes, here are some things that can help you be a fashion icon, or at the very least avoid looking like a reject from Mr. ckwell’s list.
Don’t jump on the bandwagon. Not every trend will look good on you. And you shouldn’t splurge on clothes just to keep up with the latest trends. Update in small doses. If you’re not sure that the urban frontiersman look is for you, try a checkered blouse with tailored pants. If your gut instinct is screaming at you that a trend is too young for you, then it probably is. Not everyone can be frozen in time like Cher or Madonna.
Black will always be the new black. Black clothes are timeless. Trends come and go but at the end of the day black clothes look more expensive, sophisticated and flattering to any figure. Try to invest in several black pieces.
Don’t go shopping when you’re broke. Not having money would hinder any shopping spree but there are still those who would forge on. Buying cheap clothes just for the sake of buying is always a bad investment. Most of the items on sale are on sale for a reason. Remix the clothes in your wardrobe, buy new make-up or accessories.
Fads are a over before you know it. They don’t call them fads for nothing. You should rather invest in trends, which in general have a longer shelf life and are a better fashion bet.
Don’t be a fashionista at the cost of your career. Fashion spreads will usually advocate ultra skimpy looks in the name of femininity. These looks maybe sexy but they’re completely inappropriate for the office.
Try to mix it up. Don’t be shackled to just one look for life. If you’re used to preppy attire, try some low cut jeans. The style should work for you.
Be true to yourself. At the end of the day the only one who can decide what to wear is you. If you really feel good in your clothes and you can afford it, then that is all that matters. In the end fashion maybe a big deal to a select few but it’s still outside dressing. Nothing compares to how you really feel about yourself.