Affordable Hair Care

Just because the economic downturn has affected your beauty maintenance budget does not mean you have to step out having less than fabulous hair. There are ways to care for your hair without breaking the bank. Experts share the following beauty tips to Elle:

Long rockin’ locks

Growing out your locks and adding length can stretch the time between salon sessions. However, hairstylist Ted Gibson says should avoid unflattering blunt cuts. "When hair is all one-length it doesn’t really do much for you-it’s just hair. It’s nice to put layering in so that it’s sexy." To keep hair from going flat, Gibson recommends having your stylist cut strands "through the interior" to create movement. For a sexier texture, Gibson also suggests misting a volumizing spray through damp strands before blow-drying.

Hair coloring at home

At-home hair coloring can save you a lot of money. However, you should only color your hair at home if you are planning to stay within two shades of your natural hair color. Otherwise, book an appointment with a pro.

Also note that semi-permanent color also carries risks- it does wash out after 6-12 washes, but only on natural, chemically untreated hair. So expect staining, residue and possibly discoloration.

If you’re tired of coloring your own hair, or if you desire a shade that’s completely different from your natural hue, it is still possible to extend the time between salon visits.

If you just want to enhance your current shade, you use color-enhancing shampoos and conditioners such as Aveda Black Malva, Blue Malva, Chamomile, Clove, and Madder Root concoctions. You can also try color-protective products such as Wella Professional Color Saver Shampoo and Color Saver Balm. If your roots beginning to show, use Avon Advance Techniques Gray Root Touch-Up or Fekkai Hi-Light Hair Mascara for a quick fix.

Source: Elle

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