Not all Burberry handbags appear in the usual Check pattern. Nevertheless, those bags that do not have the brand’s traditional pattern that made Burberry famous have also attracted a lot of attention to handbag watchers like us, such as this $22,000 Alligator Warrior.
As seen in the runway, this purse is made of exotic alligator skin filled with medal studs. It may not look like alligator in the photos, but the leather is more obvious at a closer look. The bag also features an adjustable shoulder strap, nylon lining, and this not-often-seen drawstring closure with a metal toggle engraved with the Burberry logo.
What is so unique about this bag is that its size may look deceiving, but the interior has actually three different compartments, with the middle zipping compartment and two magnetic closures on each side. The middle compartment also has two patch pockets that are ideal for your cellphone and PDA. In short, this bag is loaded with space.
There is, however, a catch. At $22,000, shouldn’t it have a more exquisite interior, like suede? Despite the high price, the Burberry Alligator Warrior looks pretty and can definitely attract attention. Available on its official website.